You may find some useful information here if you are trying to use the NMEA output
of a GPS receiver. I am making an in car navigation system (just for fun really)
using a GPS receiver. I had great difficulty in finding information about how to
interface the GPS to a computer. Eventually by collecting bits of information here
and there as well as by trial and error, I found out most of what I needed. Here
I'm just collecting all those bits of information and putting them together.
The GPS I'm using is the GARMIN GPS II+. I have also used the GPS 12XL which in
terms of the NMEA interface is 100% identical. All the sentences which do not start
with PG are universal NMEA sentences. The ones which do start with PG apply only to
specific Garmmin receivers.
This is by no means an authoritative description of the standard, however I think
it contains most of what is needed to interface a Garmin GPS to a computer.
There are various information which I do not know (for example the GPRTE sentence).
If you know this missing information, please inform me so I can update this page.
If you find any of the information on this page usueful, please email me so at least I
will know I was not just wasting my time putting this together. Also if you need further
information you may ask me, maybe I will know.
I have also done some investigation on the accuracy of the GPS and how it correlates to
the EPE it gives. I have also made some subrouteines to read the GPS sentences and interpret
them as well as convert them to UTM/UPS metric grid.
Garmin has put on their homepage very detailed specifications of their
proprietary format. This allows up/downloading of routes/tracklogs/waypoints and
some other facilities. It can also be used for receiving position and speed info
instead of the standard NMEA interface, though its a bit more difficult to use.
I have written some Amiga software both for decoding the NMEA output as well as
using the proprietary interface to up/download waypoints, tracklogs and routes. I
think it should be quite possible to convert to Unix or even windoze format. If you
arre interested, email me so I send you the sources - however I havent written any
docs yet.
General information about the data format
Physical interface
The interface is compatible with normal RS232. Though not really adherent to the
RS232 standard, the NMEA output of GPS equipment usually works perfectly with
The interface is three wire, using just the Ground, TxData and RxData lines. The
speed is 4800 baud with 2 stop bits and no parity. No handshaking is used.
General message format
NMEA devices communicate in messages known as sentences. Each
sentence is a sequence of plain ASCII characters starting with a dollar sign and
ending in a CR/LF (ie character 13 and 10).
The sentence is divided into a number of fields separated by commas.
The first field is a five character word. The first two characters indicate the
equipment which is sending the message, and the next three give the type of
message. In my case, with the Garmin GPS II+, the first two characters will always be GP
or PG. GP is the prefix used for all standard GPS messages. PG is used for messages which are specific to the Garmin GPS. PG meaning
Proprietary Garmin. A detailed description of the
message types is given further on.
The fields following the first five character field contain the actual data that
the GPS is issuing. This consists mainly of numbers which are formatted as normal
ascii representations in decimal as well as some other ascii characters indicating
for example the units of measure.
Finally, the sentence is terminated with an asterisk '*' followed by a two digit
hexadecimal checksum.
Other info
To set up the communication, set the GPS Interface option to NMEA/NMEA. The GPS
will send a group of messages every two seconds. This occurs automatically at
regular two second intervals, so you do not need to send any message to the GPS
from the computer. I think it is also possible to send commands to the GPS by the
NMEA interface, but I have no idea what these commands are. (In case of GARMIN
receivers, you can use a proprietary protocol which is described in great detail on
their homepage)
Specific information on each sentence
Here is a description of each sentence the GPS II+ issues. Example data is included:
Data validity - one character, A meaning data is valid, V meaning data is unreliable
Lattitude - The first two digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 3551.860 means 35 degrees and 51.86 minutes
Lattitude sign - one character 'N' or 'S' for north or south
Longitude - The first three digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 01430.858 means 14 degrees and 30.858 minutes
Longitude sign - one character 'E' or 'W' for east or west
Speed - in knots
Course - in degrees - I don't know if this refers to true or magnetic north.
Date - in format ddmmyy e.g. 030898 is 3rd August 1998
Magnetic variation - the difference in degrees between true and magnetic North (I think)
Direction of magnetic variation - one character E for east or W for west.
Lattitude - The first two digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 3551.860 means 35 degrees and 51.86 minutes
Lattitude sign - one character 'N' or 'S' for north or south
Longitude - The first three digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 01430.858 means 14 degrees and 30.858 minutes
Longitude sign - one character 'E' or 'W' for east or west
Quality - I think this refers to the quality of the received signal or something like that
Satellites tracked - The number of satellites being used to calculate the position
?Don't know what this field is
Dilution of precision - refers to the (in)accuracy of the acquired position, though I don't
know the exact meaning.
Units of DOP - the units used in the DOP field above. M is for metres
Altitude above sea level - beware that altitude given by any GPS is notoriously inaccurate.
An error of over 200m is common. (Actually that was before selective availability was removed - the situation
now is much better, but I havent investigated yet)
Units for Altitude - M is metres
I've no idea about the last field - I have always seen it blank
2d or 3d navigation - basically 3d indicates that altitude is also available.
Don't know
12 fields - list of satellites being used to aquire position
3 fields - Dilution of precision - I don't know how to interpret these last three fields
This sentence gives information on whch satellites are in view, their position and the quality of the signal received from them.
Since the data for all twelve satellites would not fit into one line, upto three GPGSV sentences may be issued in each
two second cycle. Each GPGSV sentence contains data for upto four satellites. The fields are as folows:
Number of GPGSV records
Sequence number of this GPGSV record
Number of visible satellites - this is not necessarily the number being tracked but rather those that are above the horizon.
Satellite identification number (0 to 31)
Elevation of satellite in degrees
Azimuth of satellite in degrees (0=North, 90=east, 180=southe,270=West)
Signal Quality - the quality of the received signal - 30 is the minimum usable signal quality, 60 is the best quality possible
next 12 fields same as above 4, 4 fields for each satellite
Horizontal (position) estimated error
Units for above - M=metres
Vertical (Altitude) estimated error
Units for above - M=metres
3d estimated error
Units for above - M=metres
I don't have a clue about this one
Units for altitude - f=feet
$PGRMM,European 1979*78
Map Datum being used
Haven't got a clue about this one
Haven't got a clue about this one
Waypoint list. Gives the selected waypoint, or in the case of a route, cycles through each waypoint of the route. Each cycle gives the following fields:
Lattitude - The first two digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 3551.860 means 35 degrees and 51.86 minutes
Lattitude sign - one character 'N' or 'S' for north or south
Longitude - The first three digits are in degrees. The following digits are minutes in decimal.
For example 01430.858 means 14 degrees and 30.858 minutes
Longitude sign - one character 'E' or 'W' for east or west
Name of the waypoint
GPS accuracy
I have done some investigation about GPS accuracy and how it relates to the EPE value given by
the receiver, and how dependable or otherwise the data is. The research is based on data collected over 3 weeks
with an external GPS antenna fixed in a location with 100% view of the sky. If you would like any more details,
copies of the recorded data, scatter plots or anything else related please email me.
Some of the findings are
Vertical accuracy - This is dismal by any standards even with a 100% view of the sky. The RMS
error is about 50 metres. Errors of +-150 metres are by no means rare. It is also common to get reading
below sea level when you are in fact 75 metres above sea level.
The longitude accuracy (15m RMS) is considerably better than the lattitude error (23m RMS). This is
probably due to the distributon of the Navstar satellite orbits being less dense in the high
lattitudes, whereas they are evenly distributed in longitude.
The RMS horizontal error seems to be approximately equal to the total EPE (3d EPE) rather than
the horizontal EPE. The longitude error is an almost constant 15 metres regardless of EPE, while
lattitude error accounts for most of the position error and is roughly equal to the 3d EPE.
It is possible to set up a poor man's differential GPS simply by simple post processing, using
a fixed GPS as reference. It is often stated that this does not work for various complex reasons,
however I have found that a considerable improvement of the normal GPS accuracy is in fact achievable
by this method. I have observed RMS errors reduced by about 75%.
The use of averaging to increase accuracy can give very accurate position readings if the interval is long enough.
Averaging intervals of up to 2 minutes give no improvement whatsoever. An averaging interval of 3 days gives
RMS errors as low as 1 metre both for horizontal as well as vertivcal errors.
Speed accuracy is a fixed quantity of about 2km/H RMS and not a percentage. Thus the accuracy in km/H is independent
of the actual speed. Consequently the % accuracy improves with speed.
Note: This page was written when the USAF was still applying Selective Availability. The selective
availability has since been removed and the accuracy of GPS in general has greatly improved. This page
has not been comprehensively updated since then, therefore anything relating to accuracy issues is likely
to be obsolete, especially the part regarding accuracy statistics. (30 Jun 2002)